Saturday, November 26, 2011

TNA Impact Survivor Series

Angelina Love
Jeff Hardy and AJ Styles were the only remaining survivors on Impact tag-team elimination match. What a great tag-team they would make. Rob Van Dam and Mr. Anderson were eliminated from their team and their captain James Storm chased the other team's captain Kurt Angle from ringside. The losing team consisted of Bully Ray, Christopher Daniels, Jeff Jarrett, and TNA Champion Bobby Roode. 

The highlight of the show was the Knockouts Lingerie Match. The winning team was Velvet Sky, Brook Tessmacher, and Tara. The losing team was Madison Rayne, Winter, and Angelina Love. Thanks to the help of Mickie James, Velvet Sky was able to get the win. However, the real winner in my opinion was Angelina Love!

 After AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy won the match, Bobby Roode attacked them both!

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