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I thought I would share my choice as the greatest entrance, which they did not mention. If you would like to share your choice feel free to post a comment.
Triple H's entrance at Wrestlemania 25 when he smashed the glass with the sledge hammer came in at #9, but I think that was my favourite entrance. Better than any of the lame John Cena entrances they put in the top 10. I hated Triple H's "King Of Kings" entrance where he looked like a caveman, but the Skull mask was cool. Personally, I preferred the entrance when he faced Batista and Motorhead was there to perform his song in person and in the middle of the song Triple H was raised through the stage.

It was cool when Austin had the glass shatter, and when Shawn Micheals came down from the rafters. But those aren't the best of all time. Undertaker always has the most impressive entrance, but its so long and slow its not really exciting, just more memorable.
But as far as the one entrance I will always remember at any Wrestlemania, I would have to say Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 18 because I was there on the floor right beside the aisle and when he walked out it was the most exciting entrance I have ever seen. But that is just my personal choice.
Anyways, here are the videos of my official top 3 Wrestlemania Entrances of all time!
#3 - Undertaker @ Wrestlemania 21
#2 - Triple H @ Wrestlemania 23
#1 - Triple H @ Wrestlemania 25
Best Wrestlemania Entrance Ever!
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