Monday, February 27, 2012

Where Is Alex Riley?

Alex Riley was a major star on Raw as The Miz's assistant. He seemed to be the more talented wrestler of the two and when he turned on The Miz and turned baby-face he was extremely popular. I assumed after The Miz dropped the WWE Championship he would have a major feud with Riley and eventually Riley would become United States Champion. Instead, Riley vanished from television all together. There are rumours that he has a lot of heat backstage but I can't seem to find out exactly what he did to piss off WWE management. The only thing I can find figure is that it was all caused because of his arrest back in November of 2010 when he was charged with a DUI in Tampa Florida. The other reason is that during the WWE Championship Tournament (that Rey Mysterio won) and at Capital Punishment, Riley was reckless in the ring, injuring himself and almost injuring The Miz. When a wrestler is deemed "unsafe" in the ring it is the worst label they can get. The same is happening to Brodus Clay right now. It is the fastest way to get taken off of TV and put back into dark matches until you can re-prove yourself worthy of another chance. Still, I am sure the arrest was the biggest nail in his coffin.

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