The main event on Raw was supposed to be The Rock's answer to John Cena's comments last week on Raw. It started off great, but then John Cena interrupted the whole thing just to prove he was man enough to insult The Rock to his face. But The Rock got the last word before the show went off the air. And The Rock still had more to say after the show went off the air.
Basically, the highlights of The Rock's speech were when he called John Cena "Kung Pow Bitch" and it started trending worldwide, and when The Rock had the crowd chanting "Lady-Parts" and "Fruity Pebbles" which are his other nicknames for Cena.
A great point was when The Rock referenced Cena's comments about the guys in the back that are not happy that The Rock is returning and how Cena said he is fighting for the guys in the back. The Rock said Cena can fight for the guys in the back, meanwhile The Rock will fight for all the fans. The crowd is clearly on The Rock's side. He has won the popularity contest. Cena didn't stand a chance.

Cena has given it all a good try. He has cut some great promos on The Rock. But bottom line, no one will ever out talk The Rock. Over the years the only chance anyone has ever had against The Rock is to just cut the talk and get in the ring. In the ring The Rock has never been the best wrestler, he can wrestle, but against guys like Triple H and Brock Lesnar he was always in trouble. However, John Cena is probably the worst wrestler to ever be the top guy in the WWE. Hulk Hogan and The Miz are probably in the top 3 with Cena as the least talented wrestler to ever hold the WWE Championship. So if John Cena can't out talk The Rock, if he can not win the popularity contest, then his only other option is to out wrestle The Rock... and we all know that just isn't going to happen.
If The Rock actually lays down for Cena that is going to be a really bad match. We have all seen John Cena's infamous 5 moves, every night, for the last 10 years. Everyone in the WWE Universe is clearly sick of it all. That is part of the reason they all turned on him as soon as The Rock returned. The fans know when it comes to wrestling talent, The Rock has him beat, just as badly as he has him beat on the mic. So the main event of Wrestlemania should see The Rock out wrestle John Cena and win. After Cena's 5 moves, I think The Rock will have the last laugh, just like he has had the last word in every mic showdown!
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